Thursday, February 28, 2008

did i regret?

did i regret?
i guess not...
a few weeks ago, a fren of mine said not feeling well, needa lie down. so left e discussion. tt time i made a 祈祷(my 祈祷 is not e normal type, got a certain kind of power in it)。so i 祈祷 tt i can share part of e illness, part of the pain, part of e suffering. n true indeed, e next few day, i oso sick sick de.
after sometime den tt fren tell me is actually nose sudden bleed, is due to acute sinus, tt's y need to lie down. so i made another 祈祷, tt whatever energy i take in by consumption, part of it will turn into energy to help heal her. and ever since, i'm forever hungry, n i did not skip meal, n i ate more than what i usually did....
this morning, same thing again, not feeling well n left e discussion. so, i 祈祷 again, but this time i go online to look for 药师琉璃光如来灌顶真言, and dl it n play it twice, 1st time for tt fren, n 2nd time for 晓婷, for her knee...
mayb this is e best i can do for my frens, 默默的, to transfer all their sufferings to me.


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